Thursday, September 15, 2011

Guardian angels and spirit helpers

There is a website where you can find out what the name of your guardian angel is.  It apparently depends on which day of the week you were born. My guardian is  apparently St. Sealtiel, who allegedly “stands before God, with incenser in hand in unceasing adoration of the Most Holy Trinity. As the Archangel of contemplation and worship, his angelic purity transforms the love and worship which we mortals give to God.”  Another world class psychic says, “From the moment of birth our heavenly father assigns Angels to us.  They awaken our consciousness to the presence of the divine that already exist in each and every human being (our soul).”

The Bible teaches that angels are created spiritual beings of high intelligence and able to speak to people (cf. Matthew 28:5).  They do not ordinarily have physical bodies and they cannot be seen unless God gives us the ability to see them (cf. 2 Kings 6:17).  Not only are angels sent by God to guard and protect us (cf. Hebrews 1:14, Psalm 91:11), but they also join with us in worshipping God (cf. Hebrews 12:22).  Angels appeared in bodily form to many people in the Bible.  Two angels – Michael and Gabriel – are the only angels identified in the Bible.

No guardian angels
The Bible teaches that angels although angels are powerful, they are not of infinite power.  Their power is used to aid us in our battle against the world, flesh and the devil carry out some of the commands of God.  The Bible does not teach that we each have a guardian angel or that we should in any way try to communicate with them or seek their guidance. 

Touched by an angel?
How should we respond to the Bible’s teaching on angels?  I think, we ought to acknowledge they exist and be encouraged that if we belong to God they can and do help us (cf. Acts 5:19-20).   On the other hand, we are warned not to receive false teaching from supposed angels.  Galatians 1:8 says, “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let him be eternally condemned!”  The Apostle Paul may have been using hyperbola in that verse, but it is astounding to hear of the number people in South Africa who are into angel-religion and attend workshops on angels run by “spiritual facilitators”.  

More and more people are turning to “angels” for guidance, advice and help.  Instead of listening to the Bible, they are listening to facilitators, angels and shaman.   Instead of believing the gospel about Jesus, they believe the messages from “spirit helpers”.  Satan is also said to disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:4).  One just has to consider the number of world religions and individual people who have heard messages from “angels” that have caused them to reject or ignore Jesus to see the truth of what the Bible says.   

God has speaks to us through the Bible.  If you ever receive guidance from an angel or know someone who has, I would be highly suspicious and seek to practise a large dose of biblical discernment.  We should worship and listen to the One who the angels worship and listen to.

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